Category: Astronomy & Space

Life in every place

Tests that were performed on meteorites that had fell on earth proved by scientists that  …

The end of the cosmos

In a scientific research for the U.S. space agency NASA scientists confirmed that the universe  …

The Solar Apex

When scientists found that the sun moves at very high speeds, they also found that  …

The sun’s life

Scientists have identified that the sun has reached roughly half of its life   …

The End of the Sun

When a star expands until it explodes, it eventually grows smaller in size and dies out into what is known …

They all float each in an orbit

Recent discoveries confirm that everything in our universe is moving accurately and according to precise rules. Let us contemplate……

Zones of heavens

Astronomers say that universe is not in a spherical shape but it looks as …….

The Piercing star

It is a  wonderful star, the piercing star which Allah Almighty Swear by it was discovered only in this century but Qur’an told us about it 1400 years ago…..

Galaxy and smoke

Recent scientists tell us that there are huge amount of smoke around galaxies, Quran referred to that fourteen centuries ago …….

Future of the sun

Scientists say that sun burns millions of tons of its fuel every second …..

Black holes that run and sweep

Scientists discovered a giant black hole at the center of our galaxy which is 4 million times double the sun, Qur’an had referred to these creatures, let us contemplate ..

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