Category: Nature & Life

Mountains of Clouds

The above picture which was taken by scientists represents a several-km-height …

Designing Birds

Scientists confirm that the design of birds’ wings is amazing and puzzling for it’s …

Retirement Age

Biologists have discovered that old people should continue to work and that the retirement age is wrong because aging-associated diseases have enormously. …

Eastern swap

Zoologists have discovered recently that eastern swap generates electricity based on the solar energy.. …

Ants Die

Entomologists declare that as soon as an ant gets sick and dies, it secretes a distinctive smell that’s …

Noble Plants

Dear readers, could you imagine that plants do a favor for other plants, cooperate with them, and warn them that a danger is coming so as to be careful; …

Beautiful Plants

Scientific studies assert that plants feel happy when they cooperate with other plants and even rejoice when they achieve the happiness of other plants and save them from dangers.. …

Horse Air Conditioning System

Horses are but one sign of the signs of Allah in this world. These creatures that Allah mentions in the holy Qur’an are considered weird creatures that are worthy of meditation and we’re going to live with a new invention about the air-conditioned heads of horses…


Researchers suggest that beholding and contemplating natural scenes heals  …

One Ant Carrying Another

After an ant cuts the leaf and carries it to the colony in order to eat it and feed its little ants  …

Ant Habitations

This is neither a hill nor a cottage; it’s simply an anthill. Zoologists have found that such  …

Secrets of nature (4)

The ability of the camel to survive in desert conditions without water for long periods …

Secrets of nature (3)

The scientists found that the bee is using ultra violet ray for vision, also they found that …

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