Category: Legislative Miracles

The Benefits of Beards

Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, ordered us of all that is good and useful and  warned us against and prohibited us from anything and everything that is bad, evil,. …

Bad Habits

Scientists proved that spying has many psychological cons such as anxiety, fear, and negative thinking. …

Prayer strengthens the muscles of the body

The prayer is one of the best kinds of sports because it accompanies the believer throughout his lifeand in a rigorous system. And thus it avoids a lot of diseases such as…

Bowing and prostrating

A scientific study says that Bowing and prostrating in prayer strengthens the muscles of the abdomen and the legs and thighs also Prayer movements also increase the activity of the intestine…

West urges to refrain performing adultery

ADIS disease dominated on those who allowed themselves to these immoralities , and the scientists weren’t able to find an effective treatment , so they had to start awareness …

Secrets of fasting 2

Fasting cures many chronic diseases in the digestive system such as colon spasms and digestive  …

Secrets of fasting 1

Dear beloved, fasting is not just a worship …it is a treatment and healing for many diseases …

Times of prayer

Biologists say that the timing of Muslims’ daily five prayers is in consistent with the body’s …

Prayer and Patience

Psychologists believe that prayer is an effective method for the treatment of psychological  …

Prayer and Faith

Dr. Andrew Newburg, neurologist, asserts that believing that there’s a creator and God  …

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