Category: Legislative Miracles

Why is Smiling a Donation?

(And smiling to your brother is donation). This is what the greatest Prophet (All Prayers and Peace of Allah be upon him) said and this is what the latest researches are discovering, so let’s read ….

Adultery and God’s Punishment

What are the consequences of doing adultery? Indeed, God’s punishment in the life in this world and more harmful punishment in hereafter .let us to read ….

Day of Resurrection won’t be in 2012

Astrologers are liars even they said the truth ……recently there are some news that the (NASA) hides some information about that issue. Let us figure it out…

Circumcision as a protection from HIV/ Aids

The noble legislation of prophet Mohamed (peace be upon him) is certainly proved its truth  when he ordered us to circumcise, as science confirms the discovery of some  new medical benefits of Circumcision ….

Breast Feeding

Scientists have found many advantages of breast feeding, for mother and her child. But, what about the Holy Quranic legislation?…

Islam forbids “unveiling”

Is there any harm if women bared parts of their body? What modern Medicine is to say about this? And How the prophet Muhammad  (Peace be upon Him) solved this problem?  Let’s read this article.

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