Category: Unseen Miracles

Unseen Miracles 3

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

Unseen Miracles 2

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

Spread of Islam

Islam now is the fastest religion in the world, and it is expected to be the first religin in 2025 ….

The big lie of astrology

For many years people used to believe in astrology, but the right scientific base of astrology is established in the twenty century, let us read …

Unseen Miracles 1

The prophet peace be upon him says: (day of resurrection will not come till money increases between you …

Scientific facts about day of resurrection

In this research we are going to make a scientific analysis for many events in day of resurrection to prove that the Qur’an doesn’t contradict with science and the scientific realities …

Convergence of markets

Prophet of mercy (peace be upon him) told Muslims 1400 years ago about some future events that really happened  today as we see in our life, let us read ….

The unseen miracles: Stress Makes Hair Go Gray

The most recent studies confirm that the huge psychological pressure affect the hair and makes it gray, Allah almighty tells us that hair of  people at day of resurrection will become gray ….

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