Category: God’s Creations

The Sensitive Insect

Entomologists have recently discovered that mosquitoes are capable of knowing the place …

The Alive Bridge

In emergencies, ants make a bridge of alive ants. These ants bear severe pain to death  …

The sound of ants

Scientists spent many years observing insects and monitoring sound frequencies that they produce  …

The ant finds sustenance

The ant, one of the smallest living creatures on our planet, is in fact one of the “heavyweight” champions  …

Indeed, ants build bridges just like human!!!! A new research was released by a group of scientists …

Secrets of clay

Allah Almighty put in clay many useful characteristics. Let us read……….

Human Fingerprints

Allah Almighty told us 1400 years ago about the creation of fingerprints in human and referred to its uniqueness. Let us read………

The predacious jaw of the ant

In relation to its size, the ant is a strong and violent creature and it is stronger than human, let us see jaw of the ant to realize how much we are weak!!!!…..

Power of the ant

Ants are stronger than human and possess many techniques that are advanced than human, glory to Allah …….

The blue Whale

It is a giant creature and considered to be the biggest creature on earth, its weight is 150000 kilogram. Let us contemplate and glorify Allah…..

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