» Secrets of Quran & Sunnah

New Secrets 1

According to the most recent scientific research, it has been found that Earth’s water formed over millions of years from the outer space through billions of meteors that fell on the Earth. …

Water Sources


According to the most recent scientific research, it has been found that Earth’s water formed over millions of years from the outer space through billions of meteors that fell on the Earth. It’s amazing that the holy Qur’an has revealed the source of water, the sky.  Allah, the Almighty says:

“And We send down water

From the sky according to

(Due) measure, and We cause it

To soak in the soil;

And We certainly are able

To drain it off (with ease).”                                                                                    Mu’miun or the Believers: 18

This verse confirms that the source of Earth’s water is the sky, a fact that has been scientifically proven. Such a scientific fact was unknown at the time of Qur’anic revelations. It’s worth contemplating, therefore, the question of who might have informed Prophet Mohammad, PBUH, of this fact.

Lightning is a Mercy from Allah


Astronomers say that storms that hit the Earth are very essential for the safety of the atmosphere. They add that if it weren’t for the lightning, the Earth’s atmosphere would be charged with electricity, there would be no life or even rain….. Astronomers also affirm that the Earth is exposed to more than a hundred flashes per-second i.e. an average of eight million lightning flashes every day!! It’s due to Allah’s mercy that such flashes take place in uninhabited areas. All glory to Allah who says:

“It is He Who doth show you

The lightning, by way

Both of fear and of hope”                                                                                               Ra’d or Thunder: 12 (ibid)

The Life of the Sun

Astrophysicists confirm that the sun now is in its middle age and at its top glow, but it would fade billion years later. Miraculously, the holy Qur’an describes the sun as a light of splendour i.e. in the middle of its age. Allah says:

“And placed (therein)

A Light of Splendour”                                                                                  Nabaa or the (Great) News: 13 (ibid)

The word ‘splendour’ indicates that the sun is a glowing star. While there are faint and “dead” stars in the universe, the sun conversely is a glowing one. This is a scientific miracle for no one knew such a fact at the time of Qur’anic revelations!

Brain Imprinting

Scientists have recently discovered that the brain also has an imprinting. Every brain continually transmits electromagnetic frequencies that commensurate with the brain’s activity and the type of processes it carries out. When someone remembers the details of a certain situation, the brain transmits frequencies that are different from those of another situation. Besides, every brain transmits frequencies that are different from those of another brain; this could be detected by a distinctive device. Such signs invite us to contemplate ourselves; Allah, the Exalted says:

“As also in your, own

Selves: will ye not

Then see?”                                                                                       Zariyat or The Winds that Scatter: 21 (ibid)

Positive Outlooks

A recent research has revealed that a positive outlook on life is useful for the health and boosts the immune system. Consequently, religion has a significant impact on both the physical and psychological health of believers because the more faith and confidence a believer has in Allah, the healthier and the better immune. Allah says:

  “Say: “O my Servants who

Have transgressed against their souls

Despair not of the Mercy

Of God: for God forgives

All sins: for He is

Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful.”                                                                          Zumar or the Crowds: 53 (ibid)

If we contemplate such words as ‘despair not’, ‘grieve not’, and ‘don’t be desperate’, we’ll realize that they are all direct commands from Allah to his servants to change their look at life so that it would be positive.


By: Abduldaem Al-Kaheel